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prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;where there is hatred, let me show love;where there is injury, pardon:where there is doubt, faith ;where there is despair, hopewhere there is darkness, lightwhere there is sadness, joyO divine Master,grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;to be understood, as to understand;to be loved, as to love;for it is in giving that we receive,it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

“Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions”,

Lord, make me a channel of thy peace;that where there is hatred, I may bring love;that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness;that where there is discord, I may bring harmony;that where there is error, I may bring truth;that where there is doubt, I may bring faith;that where there is despair, I may bring hope;that where there are shadows, I may bring light;that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.

Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted;to understand, than to be understood;to love, than to be loved.For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.


PS:I take  each and every word   as a living real pillar to live  by , that in doing so,  transforms my life to a  state of   great  freedom  and pure  joy so i am  able to celebrate life at it fullest potencial….




A Conversation with Henry Grayson, Ph.d A.B.P.P.

Coming in May!

Henry Grayson, PhD, founded the National Institute for the Psychotherapies and its Center for Spirituality and Psychotherapy, and is past president of the Association for Spirituality and Psychotherapy. He is author of Mindful Loving: 10 Practices for Creating Deeper Connections and The New Physics of Love.


Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind SEMINAR in San Francisco May 15-16 2009.

Next week a Q&A will be posted with Henry Grayson. In late may of 2009, A video will be posted here of my interview with Mr. Grayson, which will feature a most interesting conversation about his profound work, with clips from the San Francisco Seminar.

Visit Henry Grayson’s Website HERE

Mindful Loving vs. Negative Thoughts

by Henry Grayson, Ph.D.
What we think in our minds influences our relationships for good or ill perhaps even more than what we say or do, because it is our thoughts which most often give rise to what we say or do. I have often discovered that when I think critical thoughts about others, they usually begin to think critical thoughts about me. When I think appreciative thoughts about others, they usually think similar thoughts about me.

I decided that on one day, I would think only loving, appreciative, affectionate, kind, compassionate and affirming thoughts about my wife. If negative thoughts of any kind entered my mind, I would simply dismiss them, reminding myself, that just for that day, I would think only positive thoughts about her. The next day, I would focus only on critical, resentful, angry, or deprived thoughts. I would rehash any grievance I could remember throughout the day and banish any positive or loving thought. I decided that I would continue this pattern for two weeks and see what effect it might have on our relationship when we got together in the evening. Also, we would have no contact with each other throughout the day, so that such contact would not be a contributing variable.

After the emotional roller coaster ride of these two weeks were past, I told her of the experiment. Obviously, it was a great relief to her to learn that what she had been experiencing was only an experiment. On the days I was thinking loving and kind thoughts about her, she was thinking similar thoughts about me. On the days I was thinking critical and resentful thoughts about her, she was thinking similar thoughts about me.

Physicists, such as David Bohm and Erwin Shroedinger, tell us that there is just one Mind in the universe, in essence, just one Unified Field of consciousness. Others conclude that any particle can communicate instantly with any other particle anywhere in the universe. From a spiritual perspective, we are then all part of one larger Mind or Divine intelligence. At a powerful, but invisible level, we are all interconnected.

If this is true, why do we so seldom own such an identity? Why do we fail to see that we constantly create, for good or ill, with our thoughts, but instead so often feel victimized and at the effect of others? Why do we, as our knee jerk response, project our power for our pain or joy onto others instead of owning this power within ourselves?

To the ego mind, such a state of power is a great threat. I define the ego quite differently from Freud, but instead, much more like what we find in Eastern traditions. The ego could be seen as a false “self,” the symbol of separation. It’s that part of our minds which makes us believe we are separate from each other and from the universe. Whenever we begin to own our Self, our essential Divine Nature, the ego responds much like the metaphorical image in Greek mythology, Hydra. As one snake head was cut, two more would spring up in its place. Whenever we begin to own our omnipotent creative power or our core nature as Love, the ego seems to grow a second head in opposition. When we begin practices which would help us become aware of our True Self Nature, such as meditation or thought monitoring, the ego will oppose this by getting us to feel too tired, too busy or too forgetful to carry out the practice, for such practices threaten the ego’s very existence.

Consider the studies which have shown that we use between one and ten per cent of our brain power. What if we increased our awareness of a small fraction more of our capacity? Since that could be a 100-300 per cent increase, imagine how difficult that would be for us to adjust. Such an incremental increase in our awareness of our god-power would be absolutely terrifying to the ego mind, which is identified with a compensatory position of arrogance. While the ego voice seems so incredibly powerful and ever present, it actually has no intrinsic power whatsoever. The only power it has is that which we give to it by listening to its voice and believing what it says. The instant we cease listening to it or believing it, we have taken away its entire power supply.

What do we really have to lose by owning our True Spiritual Nature? Only our suffering, littleness and victimization. Contrary to the ego voice’s message, acknowledging our Divine Nature not only brings inner peace, joy, love, happiness and genuine self-empowerment, it leads to better physical health as well.

Dr. Henry Grayson is author of Mindful Loving: Ten Practices to Deepen All Your Connections, published by Gotham Books, and the best selling Sounds True audio series, The New Physics of Love: The Power of Mind and Spirit in Relationships. He is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Institute for the Psychotherapies and Director of its Center for Spirituality and Psychotherapy. He practices in New York City and Westport, CT. Learn more at


Episode 4: An Interview with the producers of the New Living Expo

The New Living Expo is an annual event in san francisco that draws thousands of people to celebrate natural, green living. Thousands of booths stan side to side to promote the best of healthy living. Here’s what they have to say about themselves:

The New Living Expo, formerly known as The Whole Life Expo, has become a signature event in the Bay Area. Attendees mingle with like-minded people, connecting with the evolving human empowerment movement as well as those working on healing our global community, and ourselves. It remains the must-attend, integrative event for exploring possibilities and learning the latest breakthroughs in science and alternative medicine. This show offers vast networking opportunities to “meet and greet” while enjoying the new discoveries for restoring the body, heightening the mind, and awakening the spirit.
If you’re interested in living a healthier, longer life, while looking and feeling younger, goin
g green for the sake of the planet, or learning how to attract what you want into your life-you will not be disappointed. We believe knowledge is power. The more informed we are, the better equipped we are to make educated choices and live consciously and sustainably now and in the future.

Related Links:

What’s next for this episode:

  • This episode will be airing LIVE! on channel 26, PBS local SF bay area on monday, march 23rd!
  • Another episode will be featuring Corinna Kaufman, her life story and her book (from the same interview) – going onto youtube THIS WEEK!


Episode 2: Peter

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thank you for your patience! Please view/rate the comments, we would love to hear feedback!

Pardon the extra-quiet audio! Turn it up some – it’s interesting!


Episode 1: Fernanda

Watch victoria discuss a variety of topics with her friend Fernanda.

Pardon the extra-quiet audio! Turn it up some – it’s interesting!

May 2024

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